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What are allergies?

Allergies and intolerances are disorders of the immune system. When the body comes into contact with a substance it can not tolerate, it can cause an exaggerated response.


If you have a reaction to a particular food or substance in the environment (allergen) you are said to be allergic to, or intolerant of it. In this way, allergies are the body's way of eliminating something it considers unsuitable, and can be responsible for many complaints.

What's included in the test?

The Basic allergy test includes a brief medical history questionnaire and dietary analysis, testing for food including the main food groups, drink and environmental allergens, plus a free vitamin and mineral deficiency check in excess of 100 items. Results are instant, and will be compiled together with your personal elimination programme.
An Additional test covering a further 100 items such as; herbs and spicies, fruits, nuts, seeds, additional grains and vegetables additional foods is available may be added to your appointment or conducted separately at a convenient time.  Results are also instantly delivered.
It is recommend a follow up appointment for a retest after a period of between 8 and 10 weeks depending on the specific results so that progress can be monitored. After successfully following the elimination programme, the patient is advised on the safe re-introduction of foods back into their diets.


You will leave knowing exactly what you are sensitive to and how to avoid these in order to lead a more comfortable life. Your test will produce immediate results and also includes a vitamin and mineral deficiency check.


Items included in the tests


Testing Methods

The testing method used is within the field of Bio-Electronic Regulatory Medicine (BER). This system is based on the theory of utilising the acupuncture pressure points on the fingers or toes to measure resistance in the body to substances the client wishes to be tested for.
The machine used is the RM10S manufactured by the German Med-Tronic Company. This unit provides a method of non-invasive painless testing with the scope to test as many substances as the tester has samples of. The patient holds an electrode in one hand that is connected to the testing unit and a probe is placed on an acupuncture pressure point on a finger or toe on the opposite side of the body, thus placing the patient in a circuit with the machine. Samples of the potential allergen are placed in the diagnostic unit, which will then indicate whether there is any resistance from the patient to the substance in question and thus indicating intolerance to the tested substance.


BER allergy testing is not an IGE or skin prick method of testing. 



© Allergy Test Clinic 

All Information on this website is intended for nutritional information only and is not meant for medical diagnostic purposes. Please consult your Doctor about any serious medical or health conditions. Nutritional Therapy is not an Alternative to Conventional Medicine but Complementary.

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